InsurTech Solutions​

The era of Bot-powered insurance is here. Our travel, home and car insurance solution uses algorithms to source useful data to help applicants with the application process. With the platform, most claims such as accident, lost items, impact damage, flight delay, lost or stolen luggage or items, car crash or collision, natural damage such as floods, can be lodged 24/7 with an App and in some cases applicants get a decision within minutes. Those that are approved, applicant is send a voucher straight away for a repair or cash settlement. Depending on client wishes, payment settlement can include mobile money transfer. In case the applicant’s case is complicated, a claims team members from insurance company will be available.

“We believe everyone deserves smarter insurance.”

Get in touch

Are you looking for an experienced Healthtech or Fintech company for your upcoming project?
  • Denmark, Motaso Viborg, postal code 8800, Central Jutland. 
    Phone: +455 02 89507
  • Finland, Espoo.
    Phone: +358 40 6811147

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