Electronic health records

EHRs entail information that can be managed, added to and accessed across multiple healthcare organizations that entail patient’s medical history. Our solution offers secure online summary of an individual’s health information. Healthcare providers authorized by their healthcare organization can access electronic health record to view and add to their patients’ health information. It entails a high-value, shared source of patient information that can improve care planning and decision making. Information available through electronic health record can include medical prescribing and dispensing history, a patient’s shared health summary such as diagnoses, current medications, allergies and adverse reactions, discharge summaries, specialist letters, referrals, pharmacist shared medicines list, care planning information, details about a patient’s past health events, pathology reports, diagnostic imaging reports, child development information, consumer-entered information as well as medicare overview.

“EHRs delivers efficiency in sharing of updated, real-time information, access to tools that providers can use for decision-making as well as comprehensive medical history of the patient such as lab results, allergies and radiology images etc.”

Get in touch

Are you looking for an experienced Healthtech or Fintech company for your upcoming project?
  • Denmark, Motaso Viborg, postal code 8800, Central Jutland. 
    Phone: +455 02 89507
  • Finland, Espoo.
    Phone: +358 40 6811147

Email : connect@motaso.com